14 Jul

I will be the first to raise my hand about the negative cycle one can stay stuck in within the mind. I would like to blame it on being an Empath but I feel that would be a bit of a cop out. No, I will own the fact I have been in a negative loop for years. I mean I know I am not the only one, the collective as a whole has been trapped in this negative loop as well. So how to stop being negative , you start by tapping in to yourself and recognizing your pattern. Next you start taking accountability for your choices because we all have a choice and we all choose. Next you decide you are going to think better thoughts and you are going to start actively taking control of what you can control. Trust the choices you make but do not trust the choices you make if you are making the choices for other people meaning if you are making choices because you think someone will be mad at you for choosing for yourself and what you want then that is not a good choice because you are going against yourself. If you are making conscious thought filled changes of positivity you will see the negative pattern becoming less and less. Do different, Be different break the negative chain. Diane Marshall July 14,2024

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